Now Is The Time to Think About How You’ll Handle Winter Weather
It’s only Thanksgiving, we know. But before you know it, winter weather will be upon us. The winter solstice officially arrives on December 21st, but weather forecasters throughout the tri-state region are starting to share their predictions for what we can expect in the coming months.
What are they saying? Forecasters are predicting a relatively average winter when it comes to temperatures and snowfall amounts. However, after the very mild and dry winter we enjoyed last year, we may not be thinking about what we’ll have to do to deal with whatever Mother Nature sends our way this year. But we should.
According to predictions, the total amount of snowfall this year will be around average for the region. But that snowfall is expected to come in dribs and drabs throughout the season rather than in one or two major storms. That may be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. On the good side, we may not have to deal with removing 12 -18 inches of snow at once after a monster storm. Instead, we’ll likely have to get rid of a few inches here and there, over and over and over. That can be more of a nuisance, since either way you need to either hire a professional snow removal service or do it yourself.
Even if we only get a few inches of snow at a time, you still need to remove the snow and treat the ground so it doesn’t get slippery. If you own or manage a commercial property, you’ve got to be extra vigilant about your snow removal and ice management processes. From plowing parking lots and shoveling sidewalks to spreading salt or sand, it’s important to make sure your customers, residents or patrons are as safe as possible.
Unless you have the equipment and manpower to get the job done quickly and properly, it’s usually best to contract with a company that offers snow and ice removal services so you’re on their schedule and they can get the job done in a timely manner. Some companies will also provide snow removal services on an as-needed basis, but if you have a big area to be cleared out, you may be at the bottom of the list if you don’t have an annual contract.
Although winter won’t officially be here for another month, now is the time to think about how you plan on handling whatever Mother Nature sends our way this coming winter. If you wait too long, you may find yourself scrambling just as the first flakes start to fall.
For more information about the snow and ice removal services offered by Millenium Stoneworks in New Jersey and Staten Island, call 732-519-1112.